Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ensuring your Team Works Well

Building a team involves much more than just putting the right people together. For a project team to gel and work effectively you need to do the following:

  • Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of all team members are clearly defined.
  • Encourage people to think as a group and not as individuals.
  • Communicate and listen. To be a good communicator, you must be a good listener. Otherwise, your communications may not take into consideration the needs of your team.
  • Be dependable. Always do what you promised. Nothing saps team moral as much as a manager who does not abide by his or her promises.
  • Never miss a chance to praise/reward your team or a team member. Always communicate a team member’s achievements to his or her functional manager.
  • Be enthusiastic. Being positive is infectious, and motivates your team.
  • Empower your team members by giving them sufficient decision-making power so that they can get their work done. However, ensure that they follow the proper project operation procedures.
  • Provide training on teamwork if your team is not working well together.

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